
Zaproszenie na seminarium naukowe IGIG - dr Vanessa Brum-Bastos

IGG ma przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na wirtualne seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się na platformie Zoom. Podczas seminarium będziemy gościć dr Vanessę Brum-Bastos z University of Canterbury (Nowa Zelandia), która przedstawi prezentację zatytułowaną "A Weather-Aware Framework for Population Mobility Modelling".

Seminarium rozpocznie się w czwartek 22 grudnia o godzinie 09:00 AM (CEST).

kod dostępu: igig

Abstrakt prezentacji:

A Weather-Aware Framework for Population Mobility Modelling

"The widespread availability of GPS-enabled mobile devices has contributed towards an unprecedented volume of data on human movement. Human mobility data are the key input for developing accurate mobility models that can support decision-making in, for example, urban planning, transportation planning and disease spread. However, the increasing geoprivacy concerns have been limiting the use of and access to such data. For this reason, the WHO-WHERE-WHEN (3W) model, a privacy-protective model for generating synthetic mobility data, has been developed. However, human mobility is affected by multiple factors that must be accounted for to produce synthetic mobility trajectories that accurately simulate the fluctuations of population in a study area. The 3W model already considers four main factors affecting human mobility: size and shape of activity spaces, circadian rhythm, and home and work locations. Yet, meteorological factors are known to affect human mobility patterns but, to our knowledge, there is not a model that accounts for weather conditions. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework to extend the 3W model to a 4W model: WHO-WHERE-WHEN-WEATHER. We hypothesise that accounting for weather conditions in human mobility predictions will increase the overall accuracy of predicted mobility patterns."
Photo by Anders Jildén on Unsplash

powrót do poprzedniej strony
Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
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Laboratorium Multisensoryki
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
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 1st Summer School
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Kartka z kalendarza
Grudzień 2024Imieniny obchodzi:
Jan, Honorata, Tomasz

356 dzień roku (do końca pozostało 10 dni)

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Brzask astronomiczny []:05:50:29Zachód słońca []:15:47:11
Brzask nawigacyjny []:06:30:55Zmierzch cywilny []:16:26:51
Brzask cywilny []:07:13:40Zmierzch nawigacyjny []:17:09:36
Wschód słońca []:07:53:20Zmierzch astronomiczny []:17:50:02
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
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50-357 Wrocław

NIP: 896-000-53-54, REGON: 00000 18 67

tel. +48 71 3205617
fax +48 71 3205617

e-mail: igig@upwr.edu.pl