
Seminarium Naukowe IGiG - Dr Maya Ilieva
IGG ma przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na seminarium naukowe, które odbędzie się w formie hybrydowej. Główne wydarzenie odbędzie się w bibliotece IGIG (100G). Zdalnie będzie można połączyć się z nami na platformie Zoom. Prezentację zatytułowaną "Source modelling for terrain subsidence in underground mining areas based on InSAR measurements" przedstawi dr Maya Ilieva z naszego instytutu.

Seminarium rozpocznie się w czwartek 30 marca 2023 r. o godzinie 09:00 AM (CEST).

Dołącz do spotkania Zoom: ZOOM LINK
Identyfikator spotkania: 811 427 0260
Kod dostępu: igig

Source modelling for terrain subsidence in underground mining areas based on InSAR measurements
Dr Maya Ilieva, Instytut Geodezji i Geoinformatyki, UPWr

The classical approach widely applied in Poland and abroad for prediction of the terrain responses to underground mining works lays on the Knothe-Budryk formulation (1953) of the geometric integration theories of influence. To estimate the predicted ground subsidence according to this method, prior knowledge about the size, shape and depth of the exploitation, as well as the range and scale of the subsidence area, is needed. For study areas where the information about the geometry of the exploitation is not accessible, an approximation of the source of the displacement could be incorporated. The satellite interferometry with Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) provides useful tool for change detection with areal coverage and significant frequency – 11-12 days, even six days for the data from Sentinel-1A and B satellite constellation. This detailed, in time and space, picture of the surface deformation can be used to model the source of it by applying the Okada definition (1985) for internal displacement in elastic half-space. There are well documented various cases of applying the Okada model for describing the fault sources of natural earthquakes. While, some authors investigated the possibilities to apply the Okada theory for describing the deformations related with point or limited area sources like volcano eruptions and mine collapses. We investigate the possibilities for defining the caving shape and depth, corresponding to the panel of coal extractions. Such results will give us an advance in the following prediction and stress transfer.

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Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
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Kartka z kalendarza
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356 dzień roku (do końca pozostało 10 dni)

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Wschód słońca []:07:53:20Zmierzch astronomiczny []:17:50:02
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
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50-357 Wrocław

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fax +48 71 3205617

e-mail: igig@upwr.edu.pl