
Precise orbit determination of GNSS satellites using microwave and laser ranging data
Public PhD defense of dr. Grzegorz Bury, June 24, 2020, Wroclaw, Poland

1st and 2nd GATHERS Roadshows
The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at UPWr will host two online Roadshows to promote the EU funded GATHERS project. The project is focused on Earth’s surface deformation monitoring and is realized in cooperation with teams from the leading European universities of TU Delft, TU Wien, and La Sapienza-Rome.


Radio occultation observations help studying tropical cyclones

Every year tropical cyclones cause catastrophic damage influencing both human health and socioeconomic situation. Hence, any technique , which can improve prediction, observation, and modelling tropical cyclones is extremely valuable. One of this techniques is radio-occultation, which was exploited by a team of researchers from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at WUELS, the University of Graz, and the University of Padova in their newest work.


GNSS observations in mining tremors analysis
Among earthquakes, natural and anthropogenic ones can be distinguished. The Republic of Poland is located in an intraplate area where natural earthquakes are very rare. On the other hand, areas with a high density of active underground mining are threatened with induced seismicity. Seismic tremors occur regularly in the underground mining areas, and there are several hundred events annually with magnitudes greater than 2, with maximum magnitudes reaching 4. As mining tremors are shallow and very frequent, they cause damage to infrastructure.


The onboard Galileo atomic clocks can correct the wrong position of satellites

In the recent article published in GPS Solutions, scientists from IGG show how ultra-accurate atomic clocks can correct a total error in satellite positioning and navigation. This was impossible with GPS or GLONASS due to the low accuracy of onboard atomic clocks. The Galileo satellites are equipped with very stable atomic rubidium clocks and hydrogen masers. These clocks are so accurate that they can correct errors in the satellite positions. Although the total error of the signal including position and time should increase, it drops from 2.2 cm to 1.6 cm after using the atomic clocks onboard the Galileo satellites. This result is very surprising because at the stage of development of the satellite systems it was not planned to correct the position with data from atomic clocks. The total error of the Galileo signal is 1.6 cm, which is currently the most accurate of all navigation systems. The same error is 2.3 cm and 5.2 cm, in the case of GPS and GLONASS, respectively. Thus, the European Galileo system already provides the highest signal quality, despite the constellation incompleteness.


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Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
GISLab - Laboratorium GIS
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Grunwaldzka 53
50-357 Wroclaw

NIP: 896-000-53-54, REGON: 00000 18 67

Phone +48 71 3205617
Fax +48 71 3205617
