
What have we learned about BeiDou from new laser observations?
Recent enhancements in global satellite navigation have taken a significant leap forward thanks to the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), which now tracks an additional 20 BeiDou-3 satellites orbiting the Earth. This expansion from the initial four satellites under surveillance marks a major milestone for the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS), a critical component of the global navigation structure alongside GPS and Galileo.

Our team at the Associated ILRS Analysis Center has detailed these advancements in a new study, "Satellite Laser Ranging to BeiDou-3 Satellites: Initial Performance and Contribution to Orbit Model Improvement" by Zajdel et al., 2024. You can read more about the study here: GPS Solutions, Volume 28, 100 (2024). LINK


IGiG Summer Internships 2024

The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics presents a proposal of paid summer internships for students for 2024. The internships duration is up to three months. The titles and topics of the internships are in the appendix. The deadline for submitting applications is May 10, 2024. Please contact the tutors of individual internships directly (e-mail).


IGiG scientific seminar - Prof. Wolfgang Huhnt
IGiG is pleased to invite you to a scientific seminar to be held in the IGIG library (100G) on April 11, 2024 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The presentation, entitled "Space partitioning as the basis for geometric modeling in architecture, engineering and construction" will be given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Huhnt from TU Berlin.

We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.


IGiG scientific seminar - Dr. Fabio Remondino
IGiG is pleased to invite you to a scientific seminar to be held in the IGIG library (100G) on April 4, 2024 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The presentation entitled "GeoAI - Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the geospatial field" will be given by Dr. Fabio Remondino from a research institute Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy.

Please refer to BIO to find out more about our speaker.

Dr. Remondino will be visiting for the day and is available for meetings. Feel free to join us for the informal discussion right after the seminar.

Analysis of the performance of various GNSS positioning concepts dedicated to precision agriculture

Automated guidance systems for precision agriculture rely on GNSS and correction services to achieve high accuracy and precision during field operations. The study evaluated the performance of selected GNSS positioning services for precision agriculture in a field experiment. Three correction services were used: SF1, SF3 and RTK, which apply different positioning concepts, i.e. WADGNSS, PPP, and RTK, respectively. The tractor was autonomously steered along several defined paths in open-sky areas as well as near heavy tree cover. The vehicles reference route was determined using a robotic total station.


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Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
GISLab - Laboratorium GIS
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Grunwaldzka 53
50-357 Wroclaw

NIP: 896-000-53-54, REGON: 00000 18 67

Phone +48 71 3205617
Fax +48 71 3205617
