
Magdalena Niemiec supported by Foundation for Polish Science
MSc. Magdalena Niemiec is supported by the Foundation of Polish Science in Parent-Brigde Programme. The Parent-Bridge Programme provides to support for women conducting research projects during pregnancy, where the nature of the work could affect their pregnancy. The Programme is co-financed from EU structural funds under Action 1.2 ‘Strengthening the human resources potential of science' of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013. More info:

The Polish National Committee for International Cartographic Association (ICA)
Prof. Halina Klimczak, Dr. Joanna Bac-Bronowicz and Dr. Adam Iwaniak are invited to participate in the meeting of the Polish National Committee for International Cartographic Association (ICA). The meeting takes place on February 4, 2010 in the Polish Geodesy and Cartography Institute in Warsaw.

GPS and cadastre conference at Brno University of Technology
On February 4, 2010, Brno University of Technology organizes the Conference “Satellite methods in geodesy and cadastre”. In the conference take part Dr. Jan Kapłon and Dr. Piotr Grzempowski with the paper “Analysis of usefulness of ASG-EUPOS virtual reference stations for national 3-rd class network adjustment”. The participation is connected with bilateral agreement between Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and Brno University of Technology. More info:

„JUNIORSTAV 2010” Conference for Doctoral Study
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, organizes the 12. Professional Conference of Postgraduate Students “JUNIORSTAW 2010”, Brno, 24 February, 2010. In the Conference participate three Ph.D. Students from Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics: Małgorzata Jarząbek-Rychard, Katarzyna Siła-Nowicka and Krzysztof Sośnica. More info:

Session of Surveying Section of the Committee of Geodesy, Polish Academy of Sciences
On the 29th January 2010, the Surveying Section of the Committee of Geodesy, Polish Academy of Sciences holds the scientific session concerning works in 2009. The session will take place on the Warsaw University of Technology. The main topics are annual reports from the IX Scientific-Technical Conference organized by the Committee in 2009 and works leaded by the problem teams of the Section. Few technical papers will be presented during the session. Ass. Prof. Kazimierz Ćmielewski and Dr. Krzysztof Mąkolski will participate in the session.

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